Recently my good friend Lauren told me that when she thinks of me, she thinks of fruit. Surprised by this, I asked her what she meant.
She said "Well you are always eating fruit, buying fruit, sharing fruit, bringing fruit to potlucks... you just always have fruit.."
This made me extremely happy. As a registered dietitian, I try my best to incorporate healthy foods in my diet. When you talk to other people all day about how they are eating, you can't help but start to reconsider what goes in your mouth as well. And definitely one of my favorite things about Oregon Summers are our abundance of amazing delicious fruits.
There are many fruits I love, some fruits I tolerate, and some fruits I just don't care for. Ideally, one should make about 1/4 of your food should consist of fruit and you should aim to get a good variety of fruits- not all fruits are equal as far as nutrients are concerned.
Local Fruits
In my opinion, there is no contest- fresh local fruits are amazing compared to non-local fruits. This is because non-local fruits ripen long after they are picked to prevent them from spoiling too quickly.
- Oregon Strawberry:My absolute favorite local fruit is the Oregon Strawberry. If you have never had one of these, you do not know what strawberries should really taste like. Instead of a hard white inner shell, they are juicy red throughout and just melt in your mouth. Unfortunately, they are rather fragile and as a result only available at farmers markets for a few weeks each Summer. This is when I gorge on strawberries. I can eat a whole half flat of strawberries in a day, no problem.
- Oregon Peaches: Peaches are currently in season here and available at farmers markets. I believe that there are two kinds of peaches- hard flavorless peaches and amazing sweet juicy melt-in-your mouth peaches. Fresh peaches are the second kind. Non-fresh peaches can be good, but you have to let them sit out to ripen and then you might get lucky- but its all a risk
- Oregon Blueberries: Fresh blueberries are a yummy antioxidant loaded treat that can also be bought locally. I prefer the big fat juicy blueberries to the dried small ones.
- Raspberries: Fresh raspberries are also a good treat. They can be fragile, however. And I am always afraid of finding bugs inside of them so I over-wash them, which results in them falling apart. But they are still good
- Blackberries: I refuse to buy these because they grow wild like weeds here. Nothing is a better treat during a long dog walk than some freshly picked berries you found on the way
- Other: There are plenty of other good fresh fruits- pears, apples, cherries- we are so lucky to live in a place where yummy fruit grows so easily!
Foreign Fruits
Did you know that a fresh mango, banana, or fresh pineapple tastes incredibly better and sweeter than the versions that we have shipped here? A few years when I spent a Summer in Mexico I had a huge plate of fresh tropical fruits every day- I couldn't get enough of it. This is where I learned that pineapples can be sweet rather than tart and that mangoes may simply be the best thing ever!
- Pineapple: Here in Oregon I do not even bother buying pineapple- I can't stand it. I will eat it while I am traveling- it is so sweet and non-bitter.
- Bananas: Bananas are a good low cost fruit staple. You can buy a dozen for a 1.99 at Costco and they keep for about a week. When in doubt- eat a banana! Fresh bananas from tropical countries are better, however.
- Mangoes: Even though they are not nearly as good as fresh mangoes, it is possible to get some decent mangoes here. I've recently discovered some imported mangoes at Costco that are delicious after sitting out to ripen for a week. My co-workers, many of whom are Latino, let me know that in their homes the best-part/most desired-part of the mango is the pit. I tried this- messy but yummy
Ways to Eat Different Fruits
- Snacks: Instead of snacking on crackers, chips, or other unhealthy things- try grabbing a banana or a bowl of fruit. If you want to get really adventurous, mix it with some yogurt to get some protein and calcium in your diet as well.
- Side: Fruits can be side dishes with your meals. Eat a sandwich with a bowl of strawberries and some veggies
- Dessert: Fruits can make desserts healthier. For example, you want ice cream? Fill a bowl with fruit and then put a small scoop of ice cream on top. This will cut down on calories, fat, and sugar found in a full bowl of ice cream. Or try making fruit pops- blend fruits into a smoothie and freeze in popsickle molds.
- Smoothies: Smoothies can be an easy way to increase your fruit intake. Blend together your favorite fruits with ice, yogurt, milk, or juice to make a delicious treat. Do not overdo it and drink it all day long- too much of any caloric beverage can cause weight gain

- Potlucks: I believe this is why my friend says I remind of her fruit. I am always that person who brings a fruit salad or a bowl of fruit instead of chips- and people enjoy it!
What a fun thing to be known as: the fruit girl!
ReplyDeleteGreat suggestions here on how to easily incorporate more fruit into our diets.
I agree about the blackberries...Fresh off the vine at Minto Brown Park are the best ..even Baily will eat them!