1. I Got A Job!

This is likely not news to most of you. It is very exciting. I was hired by Washington County Wic in Hillsboro to be a public health nutritionist, and registered dietitian (once I get my RD license).
What is WIC? You may ask. WIC is a federally funded program program that provides low income women, infants, and children with supplemental food packages, health care referrals, and nutrition education. My role at WIC, obviously, is in the category of nutrition education.
My main role is one on one nutrition counseling with women, infants, and children with high nutrition risks and needs. Whats super cool is I get to speak Spanish. More than half of the clinics patients are hispanic and most of the clinic staff speaks spanish and are latinas. I know my Spanish skills are going to grow leaps and bounds simply by going to work each day. I have yet to see a patient by myself and instead have been immersed in training and job shadowing. I feel like there is an amazing amount of things to learn, but I am getting there!
My coworkers are amazing and the clinic is really nice. Plus the best american mexican food I have ever been to is just down the street at a restaurant called Amelias. Hillsboro is cuter than expected, think Corvallisesque. The only downside is the commute (I hate hate hate highway 26). Luckily the county paid for a trimet pass. It takes an hour and half via trimet, but its completely nonstressful. In fact, I have read a book and a half over the past three days riding the system. Hopefully I will be able to move closer sometime soon.
I am currently only working halftime, but this is great because I can focus on my thesis on the days off. I should be done with that by the end of the summer (yay!!) They say that they hope to make me full time then. Its all so good!
Tomorrow is super fun graduation ceremony. None of my family can come tho. Zach is working. My parents are in Idaho at the cabin. Taylor is in Jamaica on a mission trip. Luckily Amy, my neighbor, can come! And Zach and some friends are meeting me in the evening to celebrate at big Als.
As mentioned previously, I have just finished a book in the past week. Here is my mini review.
The book is called XVI

It is about a futuristic world where people get tattoos to become adults at age 16. The main mystery of the plot is the protagonist learning about her missing/dead parents involvement in a rebellion against a repressive government. It was pretty good and different enough from the other dystopian books to be entertaining. It is a very quick read. However, not the most amazing book ever. 4/5 stars
Wow, love the three parts...work, school, personal. the job is perfect fit because you love children, Hispanics and even the commute.