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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Why I Read What I Read

Lately I have really been on this book reading kick- I scour powells, target, and amazon for good reads and rarely come out without at least one new thing.  However, I think that my tastes and preferences in books are not typical.
By far the most prominent book type that I read are teenage dystopian novels. For example, I read the book "Wither" last week, which is about a society infested with a birth defect caused by a previous generations genetic engineering that kills all girls by age 20 and all boys by age 25. The protagonist is a girl who is given in a polygamous marriage at age 16 to a 21 year old guy.  It was interesting and engaging (4/5 stars).  
Why do I like these kind of books? I  think its because they have endless possibilities of storylines. Adult fiction (yes I know I am an adult) is preoccupied with literary themes, endless descriptions, and other things we suffered through in high school english. It comes across as pretentious to me. Young adult fiction, on the other hand, shoots an arrow straight to the plot. The stories are usually coming-of-age and hopeful, unlike traditional "high quality" literature, which focus on pain, suffering, and often do not end well. The sci-fi/fantasy element allows the authors to push nontraditional boundaries and produce something highly original. 
Speaking of highly original, I do not usually like New York Times Bestsellers. I once read that people who do not read very much, tend to read more bestsellers than people who are well read.  Sometimes I feel like people do not know what is good and instead rely upon the opinion of the masses. I think becoming a bestseller has little to do with the quality of the book- but rather is much more closely linked to good marketing. I have read some bestsellers that I hated.
Some bestsellers are books that are discovered by the masses and deemed amazing due to their "unique" storylines. For example, The Time Traveler's Wife and The Hunger Games are two books that have recently been immensely popular for this reason.  
The first is a book about a woman whose husband time travels in nand out of her life, so that they are on completely different life time paths.  Interesting concept? yes. Entirely unique? No. Many people who read this book were intrigued by the time travel aspect and found it to be unlike anything they had ever read before. Unfortunately, I  did not like it. It was not the best time travel book I had ever read. Nor was it a book I even liked. I kept hoping it would get better, but it didnt.
The second, The Hunger Games, is a fabulous dystopian teen novel that has amazingly made the mainstream bestseller list.  I read this book far before it became popular, when it was banished to the young adult section of the book store. It is about a future world where kids battle to death while representing their villages. I really liked it, but once again- it is nowhere near the best of its genre. People who I heard discussing it talked about the amazing originality of the plot and the deep themes about society ect. ect.  However, this kind of book has been around for a long time and is not original. 
Now that I got that rant out of my system, I will continue to explain what I like to read. :) I also like to read historical fiction books. Currently I am reading the surprisingly amazing book, Cleopatra's Daughter. I am learning all about ancient Rome and Egypt.  I think I like this genre because like the dystopian and scifi/fantasy genres, it takes you to an unfamiliar distant land unlike what you experience in everyday life.  Other books that fall into this category are books about other cultures and repressed people groups
A genre that holds none of my affection is the modern 20 something single girl genre. These books feature women who make really stupid choices. I think the reason that they bug me so much is that, unlike sci fi and historical fiction, they are supposed to represent my culture and reality, but I can't identify with them. And if I could identify  with them, they are boring. :)

What Kind of Books Do You Read and Why??

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Tired. Busy.

Today was a tiring today- but I feel like I really accomplished a lot :)
Some days (like yesterday) I just lay around, maybe grab a bite to eat or go shopping and then just rest.
Today was not one of those days.

I stayed up muy late last night reading.  I finished a book called "The Girl Who Fell From the Sky", which is about an interracial girl growing up in NE Portland- not as good as I hoped it would be but still pretty interesting. Then I started the real gem of a book "NoMansLand"= so funny. Its a dystopian post-nuclear book about a civilization of amazonian-like women and girls who are taught that they need to keep all of the evil enemy out of their land (aka men). However, the some of the main girls in the book find an odd old house full of funny items- lipstick, magazines, high heels, nail polish.  Just that premise alone got my attention.  Usually dystopian books arent so cheesy- but hey its different.

Then I got up bright and early to meet Amy at the gym. We did some nice barbell work outs on our arms and some ab exercises. We are reaching a point where we don't get sore as easily so we need to amp up our workouts.

After that we drove over to McD to redeem coupons for FREE strawberry lemonades.. which ended up being kinda gross--- but FREE

I then went back to campus to attend a lecture for an hour (or so), given by my roommate Emily about school gardens.

After this  I went over to the dreaded statistics computer lab to finish my statistical analysis on my thesis.  I was there for 3 and a half hours. And I finished it. (YAY). But only after getting frustrated several times as I kept making stupid mistakes that completely altered my data.

It was then time to head downtown to my house church.  We meet in a small apartment downtown and have great fellowship and sharing about whats going on in our lives.

Then I returned home around 10 to finish up a presentation on nutrition through the lifecycle that I am giving tommorow in class (at 8 am). I just finished that.  And all I want to do is read. but I should go to bed...

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Nasty Drain Cleaning

My mom and grandma are coming to stay with me later this week so I thought I would do some quick spring cleaning of my bathroom.  My sink and tub have both been having draining issues, so I picked up this drain cleaner at Freddies

It was one of the grossest things ever. Sorry I did not take a picture of it--- ha. Basically its a tube with a piece of velcro on the end. You stick it down the drain and twist as you pull up nasty hair/soap/shampoo/whoknowswhat.  I filled half of my bathroom garbage can. The only reassuring thing was that the hair was mostly all blonde- meaning it was mine not the previous residents.  I used to gloves (very important as its just grody), and cleaned my tub and bathroom with bleach water after.  Here  is the informational about it, if you want to see it in action.

Supplements I Take

I have never been a huge fan of nutritional supplements.  A lot of people assume that as long as they take their multivitamin, they do not need to worry about what they eat: this is not true. In fact, the majority of research indicates that for the average person,  a daily multivitamin has no benefit. Thats not to say that some people do not benefit from it- like people with extremely poor diets or absorption issues.  However, for the typical healthy person, it is much more important that they eat a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, protein, milk, and whole grains.  

That being said, there are a few supplements that I take or have taken.  
1. Vitamin D: Being from the Northwest, I can assume that I need to take a Vitamin D supplement.   Human skin generates Vitamin D when it is exposed to the sun, but I only see the sun for about 9 months of the year.  Very few foods contain high amounts of Vitamin D ( fortified milk, eggs, fish, mushrooms).  Vitamin D is important for bone health, the immune system, cancer prevention, and cardiovascular disease prevention. I take gummy Vitamin D, because I like the way it tastes :)
Vitafusion Vitamin D, Gummy Vitamins 300 Gummies
2. Fish Oil
. This is the newest supplement that I have discovered.  I recently attended the William Connor Symposium at OHSU, who was a researcher at OHSU who did a lot of work with omega 3 and fish oil.  I was blown away. Fish Oil is crazy good for you. Watch this Video to learn more. 
 To sum it up, research indicates that omega 3 (the fat in fish oil) may greatly reduce one's risk of cardiovascular disease.  Omega 3 is naturally found in fish, such as salmon. It has been shown to lower triglyceride levels,  reduces LDL levels (bad cholesterol), inhibits platelet aggregation, among other things. For example, having high blood omega 3 levels can reduce the risk of sudden cardiac death by 90%.  Therefore, I have begun taking fish oil from costco
Kirkland Signature™  Fish Oil Concentrate  1000 mg

There are also some supplements that I have taken/ would take depending upon my life condition

3. Iron- occasionally I take iron due to problems with anemia
4.  If I were planning on having kids anytime soon I would take a prenatal Vitamin
5. I used to take Calcium, until I had a bone density test, indicating that my calcium levels were above average

Friday, May 13, 2011

Mi Jardin

In the previous post I mentioned my container garden that I am growing. Meet my babies

In front of my babies

I am growing a variety of plants, including baby tomatoes, brussel sprouts, cilantro, basil, bell peppers, green beans, strawberries

The cilantro- starting to look like cilantro

Grow tomatoes, grow!

View of deck

Come on little brussel sprouts..

Itty bitty bell pepper

Making progress!

Hopefully by the end of the summer I will have lots of delicious food

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Three Hobbies

Lately I have been dabbling in several new hobbies (and old)

Old Hobby: Reading
I have been reading more than usual lately. I love books! Nothing like being transported to far faraway on an adventure. Or reading about another culture.  Here is a book I finished yesterday:
The Dark and Hollow Places (Forest of Hands and Teeth, Book 3)
The Dark And Hollow Places is the third book in a very well written zombie series. I try to stay away from zombine/vampire books, but this series is really good.

2. Gardening
About a month ago I started my very own container garden, growing vegetables. Im growing strawberries, bell peppers, tomatoes, beans, basil, cilantro, and brussel sprouts. Its funny because I think of my plants like babies and talk to them in the baby voice I use with my dog.

3. Guitar
I started teaching myself the guitar a few days ago- sooo addicting, I have been practicing hours a day and had my first jam session with my neighbor Megan today, where we sang worship songs. I can do a lot of basic chords and strums and finger pluck while site reading. My fingers hurt, but the calluses forming will helpl with that.

What Hobbies Do You Have???

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Divergent= Amazing Book

5/5 Stars
Adventure/SciFi/Fantasy/Teen Dystopian

I am a sucker for teen dystopian novels, despite being 24. Ever since I read the Giver in 3rd grade, I have loved them. I think its the fact that they are much more creative and imaginative than modern day books. Conversely, they tend to not have as much magic or unrealistic elements that most fantasy books have.  Overall, they are amazing.

The latest one I have read was the book "Divergent", by Veronica Roth. I read the entire 500 page novel in a day. From the first page on, it was addictive and a great read. The basic premise of the book is that the protagonist is a 16 year girl who lives in a futuristic world that has solved the worlds problems by dividing people into 5 factions- people who are selfless, people who are fearless, people who are happy, people who are full of knowledge.  The protagonist is born into the selfless faction, but needs to decide which faction she will be part of  for the rest of her life on her 16th birthday. She takes a test that is supposed to determine her faction state and gets abnormal results, which she is advised not to share. In the end she decides to join the fearless faction.  The book is exciting and full of twists, turns, romance, and adventure. Overall stupendous read.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Judgement or Love?

There are some people who are difficult to love.
 Different people have different criteria of what makes a person difficult.  Today it dawned on me that the type of person that I find most difficult to love is the type of person who does not love others. 
You know that person: they always look for the bad in others, laugh behind their backs, roll their eyes, assume that everything everyone says is stupid. You can never trust them because you are afraid that the moment you leave the room they will laugh with their other friends about something that you said or did that they deemed foolish or dumb. When I see this type of behavior, I get very angry.  I am not angry at the girl in the corner with the ugly socks- I am angry at the girls making fun of them. You would think that this type of behavior ends in first grade. I am sorry- but it does not.
I think that I have become accustomed to the loving environment of my Godly family and supportive Church family. It really is a testament to the power of Jesus in our lives- we know that gossip and slander only cuts people down and should be discouraged. I forget that the world does not always live by this attitude. Some people are mean and are proud of it. This makes me mad.
However, when I was pondering this today I realized that my reaction to them should not be anger or frustration. It should not be to run and hide from their cruel glances. No, I should reach out to them in love, love them til it hurts. We are not called to judge. God is judge. We are called to love. This is one of the most amazing things about God.   However, I have been judgemental of people who are judgemental of others. This needs to stop.
I can still have Godly sorry over this and defend the weak. I have no reason to trust these people either. But I can love them.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Interesting Day

1. I got up at 4:30 AM today.  I took my cousin Sarah to the airport. She is going to Puerta Vallarta.  My roommate was really confused as to why I was up so early.
Secret Daughter: A Novel
2. I read an entire book today... Secret Daughter, a book about a woman who adopts a baby girl from India, the girl's birthmother, and the girl herself and her search for identity. Yes I somehow managed to read all 300 pages.

3. I worked out with my friend Amy again. We are doing lots of strength training. Perhaps one day we will be strong enough to do pull ups

4. I went to a long conference about omega 3-fatty acids

5. I did a nutrition physical exam on a patient. who asked me to leave so he could go to the bathroom. nice.
6. Im now writing my report on said patient
7. I shall watch survivor tonight. Go MATT

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Diet Coke Popsicles

Yum! I love Diet Coke and I love Popsicles... so I made diet coke Popsicles

Here is how
1. Buy these molds
Back to Basics Lickety Sip Ice Pop Maker
2. Pour diet coke into molds

3. Freeze

4. Remove from mold

5. Enjoy


Yesterday I finished a very interesting book, Revolution.  I have always really loved to read, particularly novels. My favorite type of novels are hose which take place in either the past or future. I think I like to be transported outside of the world that I know to a far off place where anything is possible. Perhaps this is also why I like to travel as well. The unusual and different.


Back to the book. Revolution is a combination of genres. The main character is a depressed teen girl named Andi whose brother recently died. She goes to Paris with her dad, a geneticist studying the heart believed to be that of Marie Antoinette's son. While her Dad is studying the heart, Andi finds an old diary, written by a servant of the same prince. The diary tells the story of how the servant tried rescuing the prince and switching him with the dead body of a different boy. I won't tell you how it ends and whether the heart was really the boys or not. I will tell you that time travel was involved.

Overall the book was pretty good. It took a while to get into, but it sped up once Andi found the diary. I found the girl in the diary's story to be more engaging than Andi's.  3.5/5 stars

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Kate Stole My Moms Dress

The Duchess of Cambridge, aka Princess Catherine, aka Kate Middleton, stole my mom's wedding dress.

My Moms Dress

Kate wearing a very similar dress

I had the pleasure of watching the wedding with my cousin Sarah. She had taped it on several channels, served English breakfast treats, and displayed royal wedding decorations. We made our crowns and had a great time. However, when Kate walked out with her dress, Sarah and I looked at each other and said "Wow that looks like our moms' wedding dress"  (they shared a dress).  These days, long sleeve dresses are not very popular. Most girls wear strapless.  I imagine Kate wore this to be conservative. However, perhaps the long sleeve look shall be popular as a result of the wedding?

What do my aunt and mom think.
My aunt says "I would call it a classic wedding style and classic never really gets old. Today, strapless= comfort which I guess the Westminister Abbey doesn't allow. We still have it if anyone wants to borrow it! And now, everything that is old will be new again"

My mom is a bit more honest and comes clean with the truth "Okay, I guess I can come clean now. Kate's dress was no British couture piece. It was actually Oregon Beauty Salon 1980. Let's call it vintage. Kate had seen photos of Liz's and my dress and just had to have it. She tracked it down after reading my story of Melanie and me stuffing dollar bills into skater Michael Weiss's pants at Stars On Ice two years ago. Last month's trip to London and my royal fetish? Merely a cover for me to deliver the dress to Kate."