Some days (like yesterday) I just lay around, maybe grab a bite to eat or go shopping and then just rest.
Today was not one of those days.
I stayed up muy late last night reading. I finished a book called "The Girl Who Fell From the Sky", which is about an interracial girl growing up in NE Portland- not as good as I hoped it would be but still pretty interesting. Then I started the real gem of a book "NoMansLand"= so funny. Its a dystopian post-nuclear book about a civilization of amazonian-like women and girls who are taught that they need to keep all of the evil enemy out of their land (aka men). However, the some of the main girls in the book find an odd old house full of funny items- lipstick, magazines, high heels, nail polish. Just that premise alone got my attention. Usually dystopian books arent so cheesy- but hey its different.
After that we drove over to McD to redeem coupons for FREE strawberry lemonades.. which ended up being kinda gross--- but FREE

After this I went over to the dreaded statistics computer lab to finish my statistical analysis on my thesis. I was there for 3 and a half hours. And I finished it. (YAY). But only after getting frustrated several times as I kept making stupid mistakes that completely altered my data.
It was then time to head downtown to my house church. We meet in a small apartment downtown and have great fellowship and sharing about whats going on in our lives.
Then I returned home around 10 to finish up a presentation on nutrition through the lifecycle that I am giving tommorow in class (at 8 am). I just finished that. And all I want to do is read. but I should go to bed...
Wow looking for new book to read... The amazon girl one sounds odd but funny