Old Hobby: Reading
I have been reading more than usual lately. I love books! Nothing like being transported to far faraway on an adventure. Or reading about another culture. Here is a book I finished yesterday:

2. Gardening
About a month ago I started my very own container garden, growing vegetables. Im growing strawberries, bell peppers, tomatoes, beans, basil, cilantro, and brussel sprouts. Its funny because I think of my plants like babies and talk to them in the baby voice I use with my dog.
3. Guitar
I started teaching myself the guitar a few days ago- sooo addicting, I have been practicing hours a day and had my first jam session with my neighbor Megan today, where we sang worship songs. I can do a lot of basic chords and strums and finger pluck while site reading. My fingers hurt, but the calluses forming will helpl with that.
What Hobbies Do You Have???
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