I love my iPad. In fact I am typing on it right now. I am a late adopter of apple products. I tried a different mp3 player until I gave into the iPad. I own Mac books or anything like that. I do not have an iPhone (tho I want one now after seeing the awesomeness of my iPad). So it's kind of funny how much i love m iPad.
My dad gave me his old iPad as an early Christmas present. This was great because a lot of his apps were already loaded on it and we could share an apple account for when we loaded new ones. This also resulted in my music collection being.. A bit funny. Think shania twain, mariah, ect.
Why do I love my iPad so much? There is just so much one can do on it.
It Functions very much like a laptop and better in some ways. I can accesss my email, browse the web, go on facebook, update my blog, play games, download power points and other documents, listen to music like itunes and pandora, read boks including my bible, as well as lots of other stuff. The iPad has the advantage of being much quicker to start that a regular desktop. You just turn it on. No pesky start up time. It is much more portable than a desk top. It's lighter and does not overheat. One thing that it is worse at is generating documents. Typing a word document or making a PowerPoint are not very easy. A desktop coouter is better in this regard.
The ipad has a ton of applications that are both fun and functional. Here is a list of some of my favorite applications
1. Words With Friends. Free. This is a fun scrabble like application. Its awesome because you can play it with friends on their iPhones, iPads, and androids. The games typically last for days as you need to wait for our opponent to make their next turn. I log onto this several times per day to update my moves. You can have several games going at the same time. If you want to play me my username is lilydafidol.
2. Coin dozer. This is a really stupid addictive game. Remember those arcade coin games where the bar pushes the coins off the edge when you add more? Its that game. I play it for hours.
3. Wackamonsta. Another simple addictive game that involves throwing balls at similar colored balls to destroy the sets. I actually have one the world high score in this game, so maybe it's not that popular (or I'm just amazing ;) )
4. Bonus poker. I like this ap because it reminds me of playing poker on the machines at the casino without losing real money. Which is nice. This also addictive.
5. Doodle jump. A fun game that involves tilting ipad to go up a jumping course.
6. Blue block. Addictive puzzle game that's free.
Functional aps
1. Friendly facebook. Great facebook ap that beats safari in it's functionality,particularly since facebook chat works on it.
2. Olive Tree NIV bible. Nice bible app that has a reading plan that automatically takes me to where I need to read each time I turn it on. Can highlight and make subject tags on verses, as well as write notes. Other versions are free (such as KJV), but I paid 10$ for NIV
3. Kindle. Why buy a kindle when you can get it on your iPad. I prefer real books, but this is nice if you want something to read without carrying tons of stuff, like if you go on vacation.
4. Netflix. Awesome for streaming movies and tv if you have an account. I watched Salt last night on this on my iPad last night.
5. Skype. Great for long distance phone calls. Too bad my iPad has no camera. I used this when i w in Honduras to call home.
6. Pandora. Amazing, as most of us know. Tailors radio listening choices to your preferences and favorite bands and genres.
Aps I've trying out andhavnt determined if i like yet
1. Nw pro. A comprehensive dietitian ap.
2. Terra. An Internet browser.
3. Quicki. An interactive movie like wiki app.
4. Oriented. A fitness tracking ap.
How about you guys? Do you have favorite aps on your iPhone or iPhone or any suggestions for things I can try? Any questions about the iPad?