I am starting off this blog at 4 am, the night after easter. What a busy day.. I went home this past weekend to visit my family and spend Easter with them. However, I wanted to go to the Bridge (my young adult group at Solid Rock Church) before going home so I stayed in town until saturday morning.
Friday after church I went downtown with two of my friends, Amelia and Elizabeth, to participate in a riveting game of scavenger hunt. The last time I did the scavenger hunt was in Corvallis on the blind date event that Zach and Michelle arranged.
Our Portland hunt was a bit different. For one, it was just three girls in our group wandering around drunk people zone at midnight on a Friday. This resulted in lots of Cat Calls and random comments from guys, such as "which one of you sluts is the easiest?" The irony is that we were not wearing anything even remotely "slutty" and were trying to mind our own business. I would be lying if I said that I did not secretely get a little pleasure from being told I was beautiful, even if the giver of the compliment was a drunk college student.
Highlights of the hunt included 1. finding a "hipster", who had already been approached by another group 2. Finding a guy with a silly hat who had already been approached by another group. We were unable to complete the voodoo donuts task because the store was closed for remodel! Poor design guys... Here are a few pics of the night

This is the "photo with a statue", aka as man in Pioneer Square

Photo of team upside down

Chopstick sword fight. We got the chopsticks from PF Changs
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